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Weird and Wonderful adaptations part 2: Honeypot ants

Today I will be taking a look at one of my favourite ants: honeypot ants in the genera Myrmecocystus. I think you’ll agree that they earn the titles weird and wonderful. Honey pots ants of this genus are native to North and central America. They live in very harsh environments such as Deserts where water and…

Poster Now on Sale!

All over the world, ants are getting ready to come out of hibernation! Want to identify which ants are around you? You’ll need my Poster!!! My Ant Subfamily Identification poster is now on sale as a digital download! You can keep it on your devices to help you out or you can print it and…

Conservation, Climate , Ants and other Invertebrates- Part 2

This is the second part of this mini series of articles. Please read Part 1 to make sure you have all the context necessary. This is quite a long one but please read it and share it as much as possible. Consider it an instruction manual on how to save the world. In this article,…

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