How you can help

This website exists because I enjoy doing it and I want to educate as many people as possible! You being here and reading this already helps. Leaving likes shows me that you actually reading and learning! If you follow the blog you will receive an email whenever new posts are added. Sometimes before I even share them! The best way you can help is to share. Share on social media or even just telling your friends and family. The more readers we get, the more ants will be understood and appreciated and that is what its all about!

Thank you for visiting this site. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that people want to learn and are learning, so Thank you!

This site and everything on it is free. This will NEVER change. However, if you did want to show your appreciation through a donation there is a link below. This is not me asking you to donate. This is not me saying you have to do it. This is only for people who want to do it and can afford to. I will not be adding a sad story asking for your support I will simply say a huge thank you to anyone who considers it. For the most part you can ignore this page and pretend that it doesn’t exist. It simply exists because someone asked if they could help!

These are all of my Supporters on Patreon and when they became supporters!

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